Release Note
Well this is the 4th book now, within a span of just over a year. I feel good at the moment. I seem to be thinking sensibly and am of using the four-letter word to complete every sentence when I speak.
Basically I left a normal corporate life and decided to give it all up to return back to my home-town after nearly a decade and a half. Gosh don't I sound old? Well, coming back home, specially after having lived for nearly 9 years in the sleek city of London and then for a short while in the clean city of Dubai, can be quite an experience. Coming back to our very own 'sousegad' GOA and specially our motherland - the mysterious, yet beautiful India. I was back home to take a break from a mechanical life, and to do what I love doing - write.
Lovely afternoon conversations with friends, standing in crowded markets with mum as she shopped for what seems like an entire lifetime - again, watching cricket with dad, is what I seem to be doing at the moment. It was during one of my afternoon visits that I happened to get into a conversation with Chayya, and she told me how disgusted she felt with how we were not being responsible towards politics and how corrupt the system really was. "Can the corrupt really enjoy their meals knowing that the meal was paid for by money that cheated others?". That was enough to get me thinking about writing something about it. So that's how 'A Bowl Full Of Rice' was born in my mind.
I've always felt this mysterious heart-beat towards Pakistan. I've had lovely friends of Pakistani origin in London, and have shared many laughs with Pakistanis in the middle east. Azhar, a gem of a human, who I treat as no less than an elder brother is a Pakistani. 'Junnon' the Pakistani sufi-rock band are ranked within the top 3 of my favourite all time 'totally awesome' bands. It's always made me sad whenever India and Pakistan are fighting against each other. Deep within I wish we could unite together as two separate individuals or countries, yet share a bond that goes back to the same origin - the same culture. 'My brothers place' is my song about the unfortunate relationship that Pakistan and India share, for Azhar, for Junoon and for all those Pakistanis and Indians who think like me and want to share a closer bond. To Those who want the fighting between us to stop.
'Politically Incorrect' to me, is all about the freedom to say what I want to and about how I feel regarding various issues and people. People who I have something to say to, and issues that have touched me either in a good way or have pissed me off. It's all about not having to worry about saying the right thing.
Goan Smiles and peaceful living