Hey, don’t I just love my acknowledgements? With every book that I work on, I always feel good about it, as it gives me an added advantage, a time to bow my head in appreciation to all the lovely people that I want to thank. The thing that I love to show off in my life is the people that I know. Yeap, I love telling the entire world about x,y,z who do this, this and that. So please, let me....
To start with, as always I am very grateful to my parents. Mum and Dad. Gosh now that I’m home I seem to be using these names so often. ‘Mum can I have some breakfast?’, ‘Dad where did you keep the newspaper?’. Well atleast it’s an improvement over the traditional ‘Mum, Dad. Can I have some money?’. Seriously though, I do love them. I love them for everything, right from feeding me to grounding me. Yeah! I still let them do that to me. Sweet isn’t it? The smile on their faces is enough for me to know that I’ve been a good guy.
Then there’s my absolutely cool sister ‘cooks’ and her clan - husband Eugene, daughter and spoilt brat of the Almeida tribe Elaine, and last of all, the newly born Ethan. Cooks is still my little sister, but to the world she’s a strong woman, a mother of two, a typical wife, still the best daughter that my parents could ever ask for, and of course the sister who I can tease and fight with, yet knowing that she wouldn’t let anything spoil the love the we share. Eugene - man, you’re still the guy who knows me like no other person does. How do you do it? You & Cooks, really look good on each other. My precious Elaine - you’re such an angle when you’re asleep however as soon as you get up we always seem to forget what silence sounded like. I love you very much too. Ethan, you’re so small. I'd like to spend the rest of my life, pulling your cheeks, making your cry, and waking you up from your sleep - which seems to last all day. I envy you, as you’re even allowed to burp after every meal. If I did that they’d kill me at home.
Joe. How can I ever thank you for all that you have done for me? For the doors that you have opened for me? For the support and encouragement? I just want you to know Joe that, you really are someone who just reached out to help me. I am forever in debt to you. May GOD bless you, Charlotte and the kids with the very best that life has to offer.
Thanks to Eddie, Jane, and family for the home in Bombay and for looking after me. Same too, to Aunty Molly & Uncle Luis.
I must say a huge thank you to my precious faffoo (Lovelyn). I call her my elder sister. She’s the only one I know who has adopted an Aunt and an Uncle. So, I decided to adopt her. Being the elder sister that she is, she’s a complete nag, doesn’t understand that I’m an individual too. I can prove this point. When I’ve asked her to introduce me to some very pretty faces she knows, she’s always declined stating that the pretty face wasn’t good for me. Hey excuse me, I’m old enough to know these things. I’m so proud of her as she is also the only person I know who has a four wheel drive.
Tulika, you really are GOD sent, and It’s amazing how much I depend on you. You make me smile still. Even our fights make me smile - but only at a much later stage. Thanks for everything including being that girl in Delhi.
Lynn, Anthea and Amit, if it weren’t for you three cousins, who’d iron my shirts, get my videos, feed me, fight with me and yet let me love you’ll the way, only I can. Eh? Lynn, always has the time to listen to a new idea I have, and is always there to stand by me. Even though she seems irritated with everything else around. Thank you for your support and for being my critic and my (wo)man Friday.
Sanjay & Vasitha. To be mum and dad soon eh? I’m so very proud of you’ll. I feel like another milestone in my life is about to happen. Cassy Lobo, the man behind my last book ‘Journey Man’. You’re missed very much and your little one-liners that say so much are still in my heart. Ino and Sofia. Till today I can really say that you two are the ones that make me realize that life is still so colourful and come what may, Love is one of the main things that keeps us going.
Dr. Ravi and Dr. Bavan for incredible help, support and very strange humour. I think you guys should stick to medicine and leave the jokes to me eh? Lovely Chaya and smiling Smita, thanks for the help, support and amazing tips on what I should do with my hair. However next time try and be more subtle instead of the ‘Hey, cut your hair’ line..
Ashok Hinduja, Bharat Gidwani and Srinivas 'cool vasu' Dokka for friendship, late nights of studying (yeah right!!) conversations and an over dose of coffee and ghalis. Then there's Rahul Gandhi who is just a damn sweet guy and whose artistic criticism is highly appreciated and of course for being nothing short of a damn good friend. Vandana 'My husband is on TV' for being able to say 500 words a second and never stopping for millions of seconds. Ha, ha. I'll probably be dead after she reads this. But thank from the bottom of my heart, for reaching out and lending a hand so that I can fulfill a very precious dream to my heart. Amit Kapoor, the only reason you want to know me is so that you can party with some babes on a film set- that's it. Well I'm okay with that. Last but not least, the wonderful ‘Debs’. You know, your smile and laugh reminds me of sunrise on a cold winters morning. Yes you, our very own Debjani Ghosh. The Memsaab in our midst. Besides that, you do have some very cute looking friends too. Ha ha !!
The incredible Paul(ly) and the gang, for being part of a team that knows no end to Java - madness. Sachin, Ashwin and all those who just turn up in the middle of the night and scratch their heads looking at various technical books. To all of you for turning me into a typical Mumbaiwallah or better still a Bombay Boy, and for making Bombay a even better place than I had imagined. I love it.
Finally, all at DISNEY (Dubai) for making it harder for me to resign & leave. Rohit, Rohan & Romeo Dias - well, for just being there to bug me. Shaun ‘Pandu’ - well he has to feature on the acknowledgements of all my books else he gets very upset.
I’d like to thank everyone who has contributed to the experiences in my life and lastly To those who deserted me in my dark days - I've learnt a valuable lesson!!