I want to sing, that there's one God,
I want to pray with my friends to just one Lord.
I want to paint a colourful picture, but with the use of just one colour,
A portrait that will have no racism, making every man my brother.
For all that exist, from the mountains to the sea
I'd love to cherish every thing that comes across me.
One God, one religion, one race,
One colour, just a different face.
Fanatical men, will thrive on our weakness and fear
But that will vanish, as we all stand united here
If we love amongst ourselves, and know to respect all who we see
Then where is the place for evil? Atleast, no where within you and me.
For all that exist, from the mountains to the sea
I must cherish every thing that comes across me.
One God, one religion, one race,
One colour, just a different face.
(This poem is not part of SANGITH, however it has been added here as an independent poem, written specially as the title poem for CHERISH)